Monday, February 05, 2024

Free Writing Happiness


Today is my favorite writing day.

Every Tuesday my  husband and I go to a café and free write for 10 minutes, using a prompt which we discover: a person passing by, an object or even a sentence from a book.

Lately we've been joined by  a friend which adds another pleasure.

When we are done, we read what we've done. Sometimes there's a similarity, but in others we've diverged while holding true to the prompt.

I use to do it with an Argelès writer friend, but that fell off, and although free writing can be done alone, I enjoy it more with others.

Then my journalist husband, suggested we do it together. Tuesday morning became sacroscant. 

There are multi cafés where we've brought out our pens and notebooks. In Argelès--l'Hostalet, Mille et Une, La Bronzette. In Vandoeuvres, only one bakery/café but we've gone to other neaerby village cafés.

We order a croissant, chocolate muffin, cinnamon roll, black tea, strawberry juice, tomato juice, hot chocolate not all at once, but whatever hits our fancy that morning.

Unlike our other writing projects, this is total freedom. No deadlines, no format to limit us...just words as they flow from brain to paper. No self-editing as we work. 

When we finish, some could be flash fiction. Some might be the seed for a short story or a novel even...except we are deep into other writing projects that need to be worked on.

Sometimes our dog Sherlock is with us. We share small bites of our pastry with him and then he settles down and we pick up our pens.

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