Thursday, February 22, 2024

Less is More


Beginning writers are often told less is more.

Imagine my surprise when reading the wonderful book by Judi Dench who in describing acting in Shakespeare the same less is more philosophy can apply to actors.

From page 106:

"When you are young you don't dare to do less. Just because you can twitch and slide on the floor doesn't mean you should. Acting is learning how to edit. It's not just what you put in, probably but more important what you choose to chuck out.  Much better to do one thing than five. It's all a question of balance -- how much madness, how much passion. Learning how to convey just enough."

She may be talking about her portrayal of Ophelia in Hamlet but the same advice is good for poems, short stories, novels and even journalistic pieces.

Thanks Judi, for the reminder.


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