Wednesday, February 14, 2024



My husband's eyes rolled when I said I found someone in the States to fix my fountain pen. He doesn't understand the importance I attach to my pens.

The wounded pen is a beautiful dusty-rose colored stone, hand-made pen bought at a Christmas market in France which we went to along with my French daughter and her family.

I've written thank you notes, condolences, snips of writing ideas and more with that pen. 

To me a beautiful ink pen has more value than diamonds and emeralds. Using these pens takes the ordinariness out of adding the words tomato juice to a shopping list, or a "we will right back" sign on our door when the take the dog for a walk.

Although most of my writing is done on the computer, our free writes are done with my special pens including the dusty rose one.

I did tell him I would look for someone to fix it Switzerland before sending it across the ocean.

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