Wednesday, February 28, 2024



Rick and I voted today as good Swiss citizens. We voted on things such as (among others):

  • Giving AVS (Swiss SS) recipients a thirteenth payment in addition to their twelve other payments
  • A change in an anthem
  • Lowering the automobile tax 
  • A couple of changes in the cantonal auto tax which is higher in Geneva than any other canton
  • Constitutional  changes
  • The retirement age

We had read the booklet (boring) sent to every Swiss citizen in their main language. Ours was in French. The booklet listed the proposal, the main pros and cons and governmental recommendations.

The back of the booklet had the recommendations of the major and minor parties all 44 of them in a simple oui or non. Yes 44 groups could weigh in.

We had also reviewed all the campaign posters displayed in every village, town and city in the main language. 

I was chuffed to see that my opinion matched the parties that I support.

We filled out the registration card, sealed our votes in a separate envelope, and Rick carried our votes to the post office to meet tomorrow's mailing deadline.

Our other choice was to vote in person on Sunday. Most people vote by mail, but it is kinda nice to go down and greet the people who work the polls. In smaller villages like ours, coffee, tea and sometimes pastries are often offered.

Results will be announced late Sunday afternoon. 

We go through this at least four times a year depending on the issues introduced by the people or verification of the laws passed by parliament that the population needs to weigh in on.

This is as close to real democracy as is possible. With about nine million people it is easy to run these votations. Major cities like Paris and London have larger populations.

Having been granted Swiss nationality, Rick and I feel it is our duty to weigh in on issues, although not all Swiss exercise their right to vote. 

I'm not saying the system is perfect, but it is probably as good as it gets.

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