Sunday, March 17, 2024

Fear like I've never known


I cringe each time I see the American flag, the flag of my birth country.


Because I see it on the brink of destruction. Although I know a great deal of U.S. history, I think it has never been in so much in danger including the Civil War and the Fascist push by people like Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford pre-World War I.

The greatest danger is Donald Trump. 

Although, I'm no psychiatrist, the man is a raving lunatic probably on the verge of dementia if one considers his childish ravings, incomplete sentences. His cutesy and cruel nicknames for people are not the mark of a leader but like a little boy calling names on a playground...only this playground is the United States of America and is part of a bigger neighborhood, the world.

His lies about the election, his lies about climate change, about Covid, about what other countries think of the U.S. are too numerous to repeat here. He lies about what he said in the past. He lies about what others have said.

His speeches, where he calls immigrants vermin and denies that they are people, should be totally unacceptable unless one is trying to create chaos and hatred. Never mind the cruel separation of children from their parents at the border. It was more cruel that no records were kept. Even the concentration camps in Germany had records.

How any one can deny his creating an insurrection on January 6th. I didn't come to this conclusion from the media, social or traditional. It was from watching it live and listening to the words from his mouth.

As for his wanting to release the “patriots” from prison, the ones who admitted to wanting to overthrow the government is equally shocking.

When he talks about what he wants to do, calls for a "blood bath" if not re-elected, frightens me in every cell in my body.

I listen to his followers many who seem to lack the education to understand the danger because they lack the knowledge of history, of the world.

I find it fascinating that almost any stranger picking up on my American accent ask me about Trump. They fear him too. I suspect if most of France and Switzerland could vote, Bidon, although not loved, would have a huge victory.

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