Saturday, March 09, 2024

The Real McCoy


 I was in Paris with friends near the Eiffel Tower.

"Is this the real McCoy?" The demanding voice was decibels more than other tourists. The woman speaker had a Texas accent.

She was well dressed, and her hair was coiffure perfect. In her hand she held a small Eiffel Tower stature. Identical statues were spread out on a blanket. They only cost a few francs.

The owner of the statues spoke French, and at the time I didn't understand what he said to her.

We didn't need French to be embarrassed by the rudenss of the women in her attitude.

We knew that Americans have a reputation for speaking too loudly compared to other cultures. 

Had I had French, I would have said to the man, "We aren't all like that."

I'm not sure what she thought the "real McCoy" was. Certainly not silver hidden under the plastic.

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