Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Free Write--The Cat


Prompt: Photo of a cat waiting for the store to open so she can spend the day inside on a pillow that the owners keep for her.

Today's Free Write was at Bronzette, because we learned that they serve an almost English Breakfast. For almost a decade three different restaurant owners of La Noisette served English breakfasts. The last two did not. Thus, when we found the breakfast on Bronzette's menu we went there for breakfast and out Free Write. Rick and I are still in France and Julia is in Switzerland. Here's this week's Free Write. As usual we write for ten minutes without stopping, editing or correcting.

Rick's Free Write -- Les Chats

Many of the cats in our village don’t have owners. Rather, they deign to spend time with you, as they please, and permit you to adore them for awhile.

A few are skittish and haste into the sewer drain or jump/scale a stone wall and disappear into an open window in a vacant building.

One silky-furred black cat, who spent most of his days sleeping in a flower planter, began a habit of prancing halfway up the street to greet us as we returned home, probably because we showed him some affection. He basically ignored Sherlock, who was perplexed at our fraternization with the enemy.

The black-and-white pictured here, whom I will call ‘The Burglar’ because of his mask, appears to live somewhere around the church plaza. A few months ago, he decided to adopt the new flower shop that opened across the street from the church.

Each morning, including days the shop is closed, Burglar bounds down the steps and waits patiently for the merchant to open up. Then the cat strolls in through the door and takes up a position on a chair or a table.

Lately, another cat, a ginger, has attempted to follow Burglar’s lead. But he doesn’t seem to ever get in the door. This is clearly a one-cat shop.

D-L's Free Write Le chat attends

"Where are they?

Puss looked at her reflection in the store window then up and down the street.

The church bell rang once ... 9:15.

Why was he late? Bad enough that the store was closed Sunday and Monday. Didn't he know she needed to find another place to hang out on those days.

It wasn't that Puss was homeless.

She'd taken up residence at night with a little old lady after her first family had moved and forgotten her.

She refused to accept she shared responsibility.

She'd avoided her cage when they brought it out and placed it on all the new boxes.

Seth and Lisa had chased her until their father said, "We have to go:  we'll miss our plane."

The old lady offered a really good menu at night when Puss returned.

Ah! There he was strolling ... strolling just like he wasn't late.

He patted Puss before opening the store.

From her pillow near the counter, she watched him put the plants outside.

Her job was to look cute and adorable for their clients. 

The bell over the door tinkled and a couple entered.

Her workday was beginning.

Julia's Free Write The Cat

The cat

And here I sit, even with my shadow, my changed circumstances seem mighty strange.

I watch for the dogs I knew.

I see neighbors, children, and many people with whom yesterday I exchanged news and pleasantries.

I see the people I ignored and some that I will even happily now be able, and more comfortably, to ignore.

The weather is fine, our house and surroundings remain the same and where they always were.

I’ll take a nap on what used to be our bed.

I openly laughed about those who believe in re-incarnation.

Yesterday I stumbled, struck my head and here I am, no longer a man, but a cat!

If only I could let my family and friends know that I, the pragmatic lawyer, have become a cat.

Hey, I’ll just curl up beside them, purr, and hope that none of them turn into that nasty dog down the street.

Julia has written and taken photos all her life and loves syncing up with friends.  Her blog can be found: https://viewsfromeverywhere.blogspot.com/ 

Rick is an aviation journalist and publisher of www.aviationvoices. com


D-L has had 17 fiction and non fiction books published. Check out her website at: https://dlnelsonwriter.com



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