Sunday, April 07, 2024

Saving the Christmas Tree


I know it's April so why am I writing about Christmas trees now?

Having a living Christmas tree is important to me. Even when I was with people who had fake trees, no matter how beautiful, I would make sure I at least had an evergreen twig during the holiday.

Before Rick and I added Sherlock to our family, we had a floor real tree,  but once we had him, we knew he'd consider a floor tree, his Christmas gift of an indoor toilet. 

We bought a table tree from Galdric, our local florist.

Two years ago, I bought a living tree thinking we could use it year after year and when it became too big, we could plant it in a nearby forest.

During the summer we left the tree on our patio and despite a friend coming by to water it, the poor thing became victim to the canicule.

I thought we would try again last Christmas. Galdric provided a wonderful tree that my daughter, husband and I lovingly decorated.

Then we went to Geneva for almost three months, again leaving the tree on the patio and with a friend to come in to water.

When we arrived back in France in March, we found it in a sad state.

Rick is convinced it has died. My suggestion to talk to it and to play music for it met with eye rolls. I suspect his suggestion to pipe music outside was tongue in cheek.

I don't want to give up on it. I plan to replant, nourish it and hopefully it will come back. I've brought other plants back to life. 

Of course when temperatures soar in another canicule this summer we will head back to Geneva I suggested we take it with us. When I mentioned this to my husband, his eye rolls reached a new level of motion.

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