Saturday, April 20, 2024

James Joyce Free Since 1941


"It went on and on for five pages," she said about Anna Karenina.

Our friend and her husband had joined Rick and me on our patio for a mattress celebration apèro in the late afternoon sun. We were sheltered from the Tramontane which had been blowing for the past three days.

They had recommended a friend who had sold us the new mattress, so this was our thank you.

My mind jumped back to how I read most classics at uni including James Joyce.

When I was at Joyce's house in Dublin, I saw his desk and thought how he must have written Ulysses there. 

I had loved Dubliners. For Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, I went from doubt to considering it a treasure hunt.

As for Ulysses, I've never made it past page 42. Thank goodness for Cliff Notes.

Joyce died in 1941 in my country, in Zurich to be exact.

I will never finish the book even though I tried after uni several times. I can live with that.

I took comfort in a travel guide of Switzerland that said about Zurich "James Joyce free since 1941."

I joke that my grave can read "She never finished Ulysses."

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