Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Free Write Roman Statue


Almost: This week we are all within a few minutes of each other, but a sick pup made us rerturn to doing the Free Writes indivually. Julia came up with the prompt.

Rick was unable to participate this week, but he assures me he will be back next week.

D-L's Free WriteWrite

Megan could hear voices through the school board's conference room door, only she couldn't make out what they were saying.

What had been she been thinking? 

Okay, she wanted a change of life from her art studies in Boston and Paris. She had thought finding a job teaching in a small New Hampshire village would provide that, give her money and even more important, time to paint without the interruptions of cafés and get togethers..

She should have known that when during the interview, they had asked her questions about what church she attended, what she thought of gay marriage there might be a mismatch.

In retrospect, she should have known her wishy washy answers rather than tell them the questions were illegal would lead to trouble.

She loved her third graders. She combined drawing, painting with a bit of art history.

Her big mistake was to show photos of sculptures. She should have stuck with Camille Claudel and had the kids make up stories about the work.

It was the David like statue that did her in. Marybeth's mother came in the next day saying she had no right to show her daughter pornography. 

Four other parents joined forces and thus there she was at the school board meeting fighting for her job.

The door opened and the chairman ushered her into the room.

She sat opposite the five-person board, three women and two men.

Mr. Volare, the chairman, a paunchy man was in his late forties, she guessed.  Using her last name was not a good sign. 

She was right. She would be allowed to get her own art supplies from her classroom before leaving.

 Julia's Free Write

Memories surge to the fore: memories of those long-ago days – days of student travel, of trains and railway station benches – of 4a.m. arrivals and a couple of hours of snatched sleep on hard benches before searching for cheap lodgings.

Once in Florence they had stayed with the nuns in cubicles, which were open on the top. Listening to the snoring at night didn’t make for peaceful nights, but they were young.

That same trip they spent hours looking for the famous Michealangelo statue of David. No Italian, side streets and many a false move, led to mid-afternoon. When they finally found him it seemed underwhelming but find him they did.

Imagine all these years later rediscovering a miniature replica in an Italian friend’s living room. First an Italian sharing her late husband’s birthday, then upon his demise, in one of his closest friend’s living rooms: some things are simply meant to be!

Julia has written and taken photos all her life and loves syncing up with friends.  Her blog can be found: https://viewsfromeverywhere.blogspot.com/ 

D-L has had 17 fiction and non fiction books published. Check out her website at: https://dlnelsonwriter.com




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