Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Free Write The Vets

Today's prompt is the sign from our vet's office. All three of us have taken our beloved pets there. The office is on a plaza that included a tea room.

Rick's Free Write VET

I know this place. That’s a new sign. And they’ve finally gotten rid of the construction mess. But it’s the same diabolical building where they take me to be tortured every time I act like I don’t feel well. Is it my fault I eat interesting things off the ground, even though I have no idea what they are?

Inside there are always other dogs in the waiting room. Not always friendly. Though I have sniffed a couple of nice butts from time to time.

Then Mom and Dad take me into a smaller room with a cold metal table that’s hard to stand on. I’m always slipping and sliding. If I try to lay down, the vet du jour picks me up and sticks a thermometer in my you-know-what. They poke in my ears with something else. Then inevitably they stick a needle in my back. I have to admit it doesn’t hurt as much as I pretend.

When we leave, the nice lady tries to give me biscuits, but I reject them on principle.

I like the other doctor we go to in Argeles, Paul, but only a little. He’s pretty good with a needle too. But when he sticks his finger up my hoo-ha, well, hoo-haaa is all I can say.

He has a big, big, big, big dog in the office, but he’s old (the dog, not Paul; well, come to think of it, Paul too).

I think I’ll pee on this sign.

D-L's Free Write

Damian and Majorie went thru vet school together and became buddies. Each had a lover; well Damian had many. Majorie married hers.

Neither could remember when they decided to go into practice together.

Immediately after graduation, they went to work for vets. On their days off they searched villages for one that was vetless.

They found an agency that specialized in medical practices. Fred, the owner, showed them many over their limited budgets, their parents help and Marjorie's small inheritance from her grandmother.

On their sixth visit, they were greeted by two old women who were stereotypical granny types. 

"We need to retire,"

The price was low enough. A look at the books confirmed their decision.

There was no money for a professional remake, but Damian and Majorie were able to paint it. Damian's brother-in-law, was an electrician. They were able to find a credit plan that allowed them to buy up-to-date furniture and equipment.

The opening included an open house. It took several months, but slowly locals brought their dog, cats, rabbits and even a hedgehog. Damian even delivered a calf.

It would work. 

Julia's Free Write

A blank, I’ve hit a blank – I, who am verbose, I who can write almost anything, anytime have hit a blank.

Looking around me I see people enjoying their mid-morning coffee, tea or soft drink on this lovely terrace next to a local primary school. I am very aware of my surroundings, even hearing children in the background, never mind noticing the steady stream of traffic on the nearby street.

Then a dog barks, and without looking I am transported 16 years back to a similar day.

That day did not have a happy ending. It ended in great sorrow whilst my younger son, accompanied by a good friend, were present as our cat was put out of his suffering. I sat in the waiting room with my older son unable to face the loss.  The vet’s office is still there; Munchkin lives on in my heart.

Julia has written and taken photos all her life and loves syncing up with friends.  Her blog can be found: 

Rick is an aviation journalist and publisher of www.aviationvoices. com


D-L has had 17 fiction and non fiction books published. Check out her website at:



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