Sunday, September 01, 2024

1000 does not equal 40,000 Plus

No one can fully feel the pain of having a loved one held hostage then killed. There has to be no grief that can match it.

The news channels are full of descriptions of the personalities of the six hostages whose bodies have been found, especially the American.

My question is why, with 40,000 plus people being killed in Gaza haven't the news channels featured their personal stories too. Maybe if they did, then maybe, just maybe, the news would be fairer to those that have lost everything in Palestine. 

I never take a shower, eat a meal, crawl into my comfy bed that I don't remember how many people in Gaza are living in rubble and have none of these luxuries.

The mess in the Middle East is a circle of faults including Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Hamas rose from that mistreatment. It became a vicious circle.

I also blame the U.S. for arming Israel. I hate that U.S. weapons are being used to kill people in Gaza. Of course, the arms manufacturers are making out like bandits, and bandits is the word.

Yes, Israel had a right to defend itself. So do the people that have been occupied by Israel often illegally. They did not have a right to build the settlements. 

No, Hamas should not have attacked Israel on October 7th. But they were fighting the occupation of their country and they have a right to defend themselves too.

The saddest part is that for those young people in Gaza, a whole new level of hatred of Israel has been created.

Can it ever end? Not with bombings. Not with starvation of a people. Not with occupation.

The leadership in Israel has scuttled cease fire attempts. The leadership of Hamas hasn't performed much better.

People on both sides die and mourn. 

Disarm Israel. Make sure Hamas isn't armed. Maybe without death toys, there could be a solution that recognizes both peoples.


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