Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Tale of Two Fêtes or More


Rick and I watch Midsomer Murders in Bed, although I usually fell asleep between the second and third murder and have to wait till morning for him to tell me what happened.

The production of the series is intriguing, especially when the little English village of Midsomer features so many fêtes of all types. (never mind at three murders per episode, there would be few people still alive) I would love to witness the setup of the production as it progressed.

This week our little French village is having a major two-day Medieval Fête. Walls matching the original pirate-protection walls have been going up. Merchants are decorating their store front. Even the grocer has a knight in armor protecting it.

The two-day fête will have music, theatre, displays, games and more. Costumes are on loan for those wanting to dress up, although I will wear my wedding dress. Rick's costume from that day is back in the U.S. but he has arranged for one.

I can hardly wait. I doubt there will be three murders.




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