Wednesday, January 23, 2019


 The Argeles beach

No one, I repeat no one, will feel sorry for us because we live in Switzerland and have a second home in the South of France, which we will leave tomorrow for Geneva.

 Lake Léman-five minutes walk from our Geneva home.

Many people will think we are rich (isn't everyone who lives in Switzerland). We definitely missed the rich part if you refer to money. We are rich in terms of love, friends, beauty -- not us -- but the mountains, water and forests that surround us. Rich in the sense we can indulge in our passions of art, music, books, theatre, movies, etc. Rich that we can walk down the street and discover all kinds of things that make our eyes, hearts and souls happy.

Thus when our flat in France is in chaos as we prepare for the transition north where we'll spend several months, I have to remember how lucky I am to live the life I do. I do. I do.

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