Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Why I love BD

I knew about him for years before I met him. His father, a sometimes lunch buddy, bragged about his artist son.

A couple of decades later, the son called me in Europe to tell me my lunch buddy had died. "I'm sorry you lost your dad," I said.

"I'm sorry you lost your friend," he said.

He visited in Argelès more than once, including Rick's and my commitment ceremony. On one trip be painted a mural on a restaurant owner's wall. Doing murals was something he did, including a nursing home where a friend of his ended her life. I heard that he residents told him things they wanted in the painting.

I've visited him more than once in Massachusetts where I marvel at his work.

I even marvel at his creativity in the way he lives his life.

Even more I marvel at his kindness, in doing things like taking flowers not sold in supermarkets to nursing homes. He has a whole series of friendships that anyone would be lucky to list and he deserves them.

Thus when I saw a gofund me for a homeless man he had befriended https://www.gofundme.com/shelter-and-food-for-scotty?pc=fb_co_dashboard_a&rcid=66d09696419042fe868259b362b4b2b8
I ran for my credit card.

BD wrote "Many of us in Maynard have seen Scotty or met him. I saw him often on the Veterans Park bench last Spring and went over to meet him. We spoke for a while and I liked him immediately. After a half hour I asked him what he might need and he was hungry so I gave him some money and told him to stay in touch and since then we have stayed in touch.

Last Thursday when it was starting to get bitter cold at nights I wondered where he was and if he had found shelter inside. When I ran into him on Saturday he told me he was still sleeping outside and  he said it was bearable "except for the wind".  I felt it was a moral imperative to get him out of the cold and offered him nights at my shop on a couch with pillows, sleeping bags, etc. Steps away from a bathroom and a shower. It is pretty industrial and basic but beats sleeping over-layered and shivering, waiting for 5AM and a coffee at McDonalds. 

Later that day I saw the thread on Maynard Friends and Families FB group where it was clear that his pleasant manner and situation had impacted a lot of folks. 

I worked out a plan with him to bridge a transition to end his homeless status, starting with housing, food and work. Scotty was raised in Maynard and loves it here. I am asking the good people of Maynard to assist in the plan. 

I will administer the funds approximately like so: 

• A 90-day housing plan to get him through to warm weather. The intent is a room above The Blue Coyote (or similar) $550 a month plus $150 security deposit for February, March and April. $1800

• $15 per day for 90 days for food.  This will be in the form of cards or certificates for local restaurants. $1,350

• Assistance in finding him employment in our village through our networks. Today he helped me and my crew build a storage shed.

Thanks in advance for your consideration and contributions. I know Scotty's gratitude will be deep and genuine"

How many of us walk by the homeless? How many of us don't do anything to help? How many of us could find ourselves in need? 

I love BD for his creativity in everyday living, for his kindness. If we could clone him, the world would be a better place.

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