Saturday, April 20, 2019


The US government is more or less run by corporations.

Doubt me?

Look at how men and women in congress vote and then look at their contributors. There is at least a 90% correlation.

And corporations are still participating in writing laws that help themselves. ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council

I would love to know how so many senators and representatives have become millionaires on their base salaries. Amazing how many must be genius investors. One would suspect they are not putting their constituents first.

Although it will never happen, there are ways to correct it. I would like to see these rules apply for ALL public office from dog catcher to president.

1. Candidates can only accept money from their district. That would save Robert Mercer and the Koch brothers, etc.  a lot of money. Presidential candidates can accept no money at all.

2. All corporate donations are banned. I will never accept corporations are people and money is speech despite Citizens United.

3. TV and radio stations must make a certain amount of equal time to all candidates free of charge. No paid advertising aloud. Candidates do have social media but those will be monitored for truth (see no. 4).

4. There is an agency that examines every thing a candidate says for truth. If there are any lies, that appears under the appearance on a television program.

5. Ballots are mailed to every eligible voter that can be mailed back or dropped off in person to a voting station.

6. Videos will be taken of all vote counting.

7. All people holding office must release their tax returns plus all their personal expenditures, debts, etc.

The entire population will be taxed at 1% to pay for the administration. Violation of any of the rules will result in prison terms of up to five years.

I imagine if this were the case, a majority of the so-called leaders would quit. Maybe they would be replaced by representatives of the people who believed that public service means they are in their positions to service the people not the people there to service them.

I know it is only a dream.

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