Monday, April 22, 2019


On Facebook I regularly post things that make me happy. This is a complete happiness blog.

This Easter Monday morning holiday, more rain is predicted. Outside the patio is wet from last night's shower.

We woke after the sun came up, warm between the Korean Mink cover and the electric under sheet set to 1. . . A day for writing and playing with the dog inside.

It was too early to get up and and my beloved brought me Constant Comment tea, which he had ordered from the States and shipped to a relative and picked up when he visited the States. Next to it was half of the chocolate eclair, I had bought him yesterday. He loves chocolate eclairs.

He went back to bed, settling on his back to a Val McDermid novel. I was reading a book by Amy Tan. Periodically we would find a paragraph or a sentence to share. One of Mcdermid's characters had the same attitude toward dishes in the sink as I do. And I let him know that Tan had lived in Montreux, a surprise to me. There was other wording that we wanted the other to hear.

Sherlock was on top of him his back against my beloved's tummy. His hand stroked the dog who twisted slightly to make sure he got the right spot. Even the dog was filled with contentment.

I would have loved to have taken a photo, but I knew if I got up to get the camera, the dog would move. It is a mental picture that will have to do for now and forever.

There are words to describe the morning: peace, content, love, sharing, blessed, lucky. Those are just six but words do not describe how completely happy I felt. I am a woman who has everything I could possible want in this life.


  1. So lovely to read your post this Monday morning. I often feel just the same way, and it's about valuing and enjoying the 'real' things, as you describe. My wedding ring is a cheap 9 karat gold band and it has 'worked' for decades because the real diamond is my husband. We joke about our cheap rings, bought in Nairobi. They were the cheapest in the whole shop. Happiness cannot be bought --it sounds like such a cliché, but there you have it. Greetings from another happy blogger.

  2. Here, with words, you have painted a beautiful picture. No camera could compare - it would only record the pixels. Instead you have captured the essence of living joy.
