Sunday, May 05, 2019


My purse (as a New Englander long out of the area I call them pocketbooks) was giving up. I'd had it at least a decade and loved the painted women on it. 

Rick bought me a new one (right in photo). I loved it. That was also several years ago. The only problem finding things like keys, camera, etc. turned into an archeological dig.

Rick suggested getting a new one. I figured the one he gave me would last the rest of my life and I'd never, ever have to buy another. I tend not to replace anything that is still working.

However, my friend is visiting from Geneva. As she wandered around the marché, she found a purse that had zippers in a way that it would not be necessary to dig for anything.

I gave in, went to the vendor and bought one. I hope this is the last one I'll ever have to buy.  Ever!

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