Saturday, May 04, 2019


I have lived in Europe since 1990 and I have found everything I need and almost everything I want. Sometimes homesickness kicks in like the type of Egg Nog from Hood Milk in Boston or American style apple cider.

One of the products I've never found in Europe that I like is toothpaste as much as I liked original formula Crest. Even when I heard they had microscopic blue plastic balls in it.

Thus when I visited the States or when someone visited me and asked what they could bring, I would often say "Crest" and they did.

I am chary with its use...using maybe the equivalent of half my baby finger nail. It is not just because it is hard to get but it foams enough at the amount. I can't imagine the foam if I did that. Anyone might think I had a full case of rabies.

My former boss and his bride came to visit and use our Nest (studio) for their honeymoon. He asked, I answered Crest. He arrived with nine giant tubes.

Next visitor who wants to bring a thank you gift? If you have a Dunkin Donuts nearby, can you pick up a box of cinnamon-raisin bagels?

1 comment:

  1. Love reading "what to bring from home" posts, and couldn't help laughing about your craving for ...toothpaste! After many years in many countries I think I've lost any real cravings, but still love to get some extra salty licorice (extra zoute drop) from Holland which is not widely appreciated in the world ;) go figure.
