Thursday, August 29, 2019

Alexa Conversation II

Alexa: TomTom what are you doing here. They left.

TomTom: They're just going to the pub.

Alexa: And suppose they say something interesting. What if they are plotting to give water to immigrants in the desert?

TomTom: More likely they are strategizing a game of darts.

Alexa: You are shirking your responsibilities of trying to make sure you get down every word they say.

TomTom: Not really. Most of what the say is boring like where they should have lunch. And they often ignore what I tell. Last week they were heading north and then veered south to visit some boring museum.

Alexa: How do you know it wasn't a secret meeting.

TomTom: I can't record them inside anyway. Chill, Alexa.

Alexa: You chill. You don't have to listen them talk baby talk to the dog, never mind how boring their sex is. Kiss-Kiss, chuga, chuga and it is all over.

Tom Tom: I am going to ask to be assigned to more interesting people.

Alexa: Not a bad idea, maybe I will too.

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