Saturday, August 31, 2019

Socialized medicine

I hear Americans say they don't want socialized medicine. They don't want to pay for someone else. I would like to remind them it pays for them too.

Medical care coming out of taxes is return on investment. I have been under many medical systems. I currently am under the French and Swiss.

I had a recent emergency trip to the hospital for chest pains (not a heart attack). Here's what I got for my 49 Euros or $54.
  • Xrays
  • 3 blood tests
  • 3 saline solutions
  • 3 electrocardiograms 
  • professional consultants throughout my 7 hours in the emergency room
  • lunch (not all that tasty but I was hungry)
Also was impressed that the emergency service arrived with three people (trained nurses and/or trained emergency attendants) within 15 mins, to be followed by 3 medical doctors with all necessary equipment. Sorta a variation on the how many clowns will get into a many medical people will fit into my bedroom?

Had I been in the US, the worry about the cost, probably would have given me a heart attack.

I am happy to pay taxes in France and the US. I get a lot of value for my money in terms of making the entire society a better place to live. Neither country is perfect, far from it. But when the Mastercard ad says "Priceless" that's how I would value my "Peace of Mind" when it comes to my socialized medical care.

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