Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Darn! Sunshine

Darn it today it is sunny.

Let me explain.

We're in Edinburgh where it rains. A lot.

I belong to a Facebook group called With Flying Colours, started by Karrie Barron, a woman whose life is an art form.  Way, way back she posted yellow subject photos for a week. Then another colo(u)r the week after. Karrie is a Brit therefore, the u in color.

The Facebook page morphed into a group which now has 163 members from all major continents.

Each week, a member selects a theme and not just colors. We've done triangles, shadows, reflections, clouds, etc. When a new theme is announced Rick and I often go on photo safari to find photos fitting the theme. It makes us look at things that we might never "see" otherwise.

This week's theme is raindrops.

Wonderful we thought. Easy Peasy! This is Scotland. It always rains. The day before we had been on a bus tour to Hadrian's Wall where the weather was everything from mist to downpour.

What has the weather been since we needed raindrops?


It is not the first time the weather has changed our plans.

A few years back we were going to spend a week in the Andora mountains. We heard the weather was going to be rainy. We were thrilled because we both had writing projects and we thought holed up in this B&B where we stayed the year before would be perfect.

What was the weather?
  • Monday Sunny.
  • Tuesday Sunny
  • Wednesday Sunny
  • Thursday Sunny
  • Friday Sunday
  • Sunday Sunny
We did take advantage of the lovely days to the detriment of our writing. I even played a round of golf with my husband.

At least it is sunny for my husband's golf tournament, but a little rain near the Firth of Forth just over the area long enough to shoot a few photos would not go amiss.

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