Monday, October 21, 2019


 View from our bedroom window in Edinburgh.

This week I'm pretending we're living in Edinburgh. We're staying in the house where we stayed last time, only this time we met the owner.

About four years ago we were going to cat sit for them. They said they were also interested in a house swap. All arrangements were made, but then I was diagnosed with the cancer and their cat died. Since we went from Argelès-sur-mer to Geneva for my medical treatment, we suggested that Alison and her friend stay in our Southern France house just the same. They did, saying someday we could stay in their Edinburgh home.

From then on whenever Alison traveled we were offered their Edinburgh home. We took them up on it for a month and had a wonderful time. We each told the other about travel plans and away from home time.

This year Rick is playing in a Hickory Golf Tournament in Edinburgh and we asked by chance if they were going away. She replied, "No, but we can." Thus we ended up in the same place, which we love for the house and the neighborhood.

Although she apologized for not being able to leave her car this time (no need at all), they waited for us for the turn over of keys.

We oooed and ahhhed over the new kitchen and settled in.

By now we are totally at home in the city: Morrisons, pub quizzes, Georgian buildings, restaurants, Scott's statue, kilt-wearing bagpipe players, plaid, haggis, the great bus system, etc.

This is a shorter stay but happily we are joined by my kid and her/our Swedish friend. Even if it were just two of us, I can pretend this is my home full time.

And yes I would miss Geneva and Argelès, but I am so greedy. Anyone know of a place I can be cloned twice so I can live in all three places all the time?

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