Tuesday, October 29, 2019


I never ate Oreos until 1990 when I moved to Switzerland and couldn't get them. Then I wanted them desperately. (My husband has the same desire for spedis from Endicott, NY-a special sandwich) or poutine from Montreal.

Recently, I enthused about New England/New York corn-on-the-cob and Dunkin' Donuts raisin cinnamon bagels which my husband brought back from the States. In Scotland last week I was able to get the bagels at Morrison's along with crumpets, which are not possible in our little French village. Rarely, we could find crumpets in Geneva. Paradise! And then there are scones.

In Germany where I live, I long for wurst and hot potato salad.

Now with a trip looming for Boston, I have my taster set for what I consider these hard or impossible to get items. My daughter is already on safari to stock them just as when she comes to visit, she shoves treats in her suitcase.

As for the cider, I found a recipe for homemade. I will try it Wednesday night to have for my husband when he comes home.

Would I want these things if I could just walk around the corner and buy them.


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