Friday, October 25, 2019

Good bye

We are leaving the land of Irn Bru tomorrow. Sigh!

Good bye Adam Smith and all the other historic figures and their statues. I am smug that I know about so many of them.

Good bye Walter Scott and all the writers living and dead who have walked these streets. I half expect Bertie (44 Scotland Streeet series by Alexander McCall Smith), Tony and Carol (Val McDermid characters not my friends the Andersons) Harry Potter, Bobbie Burns ghost, Rebus (Ian Rankin) and hundreds of other writers and characters I've read about and given me months of enjoyment to walk by me. It is even more pleasurable that when a writer mentions Princes Street, North Bridge, the Firth of Forth, I know exactly what it looks like.

Good bye all the cake shops and tea rooms. Good bye Pub Grub (and quizzes).

Good bye reminder of the Fringe and all the festivals. You are a draw to come back.

Good bye all the touristy things, plaids, woolens, puns.

Good bye No. 23 bus and Edinburgh's great public transportation system.
Good bye to the bagpipe players sprinkled tragically around the city.
Good bye to the castle that we can see as we wait for the bus.

If I had my life to live over, I would try and live in this city at least for a while. I love Geneva, I love Argelès and I love Edinburgh.

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