Thursday, October 24, 2019

The writing life

There are writers who sit down in the morning and don't get up until they've completed X number of words.

I wish I was one of them.

I envy their concentration.

I find it easier to write in Geneva. When I poke my nose out the door in Argelès, I run into so many people whom I know and enjoying talking with. No one forces me to sit down and drink a cuppa with them. I want to.

However in Geneva, the walk to the lake, the view of the Alps or Jura -- well who wouldn't want to take in that beauty? But it is still a distraction that I don't fight. The time of the distraction is shorter than in France because of lack of people.

No one forces me to make sure the house is orderly, the laundry hung up, the dishwasher empty before I sit down to the computer. Nor does anyone put a book in my hand and command "READ!"

Rick and I share lunch duties. I do enjoy cooking since it isn't a three-meal-a-day-seven-days-a-week chore. Either of us can select a restaurant for "my day to cook let's go to (fill in the blank)"

And there's the world news to check never mind Max Keiser and

Computer games? Guilty.

Sherlock needs walks and even if Rick takes him the most, I relieve him sometimes and often it nice to go as a family of three.

As night settles in, snuggling on the couch with my husband, my dog and maybe some ice cream -- nothing better.

When all this is going on, however, I am still writing in my head. My characters are with me. Brenda is happy to learn she will finally meet her patron and Anne-Marie no longer trusts Liam but should she go back with her husband? Why is Medora continuing to live with her abusive husband and could Ashley be more understanding? I am thinking of getting them altogether for a mega-chat session that will never be in the book but will focus my thoughts. Often writing to clarify works.

There's the technical part, the rewriting. Cut this, add that. Strengthen those verbs. search for ly and try to rid the ms. of adverbs. Move that paragraph if not that chapter to another place. Show don't tell, dummy, I know better. Rewrite it.

There are projects that I've written like Coat Hangers and Knitting Needles that obsessed me for almost a year as I did the research. I'm not sure I ever want to be that caught up again.

I read that the poet Rilke missed his daughter's wedding because he was writing a poem. I don't want to live that way.

Living is as important as writing and I can't do one with out the other -- either way.

Thus so far this morning I've...
  • Cuddled with my husband
  • Made the bed
  • Eaten breakfast
  • More or less cleaned the kitchen with the emphasis on the less
  • Seen my husband off to his golf tournament
  • Showered
  • Dressed
  • Checked both email addresses
  • Checked and commented on Facebook
  • Taken a photo
  • Uploaded photos to Facebook
  • Sent three emails to my husband on communication
  • Written this blog
I am out of excuses. I'll post and then get back to Daycare. The women are waiting for me.

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