Saturday, November 16, 2019

Can we buy this man a jacket?

An anthropologist and friend once described clothes as cultural clothing. She was right. How we dress sends messages to others.  

Years ago when a bank went bust, one of the news articles reported that it was no surprise that the top management wore jeans and boots rather than proper banker clothing.  Obama was criticized for wearing a brown suit. One wouldn't go to a formal dinner in a bathing suit or go swimming in a tuxedo.

Even if men's business suits are a bit boring, we expect a certain standard. For example congressional representatives (I won't call them leaders because allegedly they work for the people) wear business suits.

Now we have Ohio Representative Jim Jordan appearing regularly without a jacket. He has very nice blue and white shirts but the lack of jacket seems like affectation much like French Tennis Player and Singer Yannick Noah never wears shoes and socks on stage.

Maybe I am wrong and it is not an affectation. Maybe he is too hot in a jacket. Or maybe some materials causes him to break out in a rash.

Or worse, maybe he can't afford a jacket.

If it is the later I have thought of starting a gofundme to buy the congressman a jacket. Winter is coming and D.C. can be cold no matter what your party affiliation is.  And even if I don't agree with much of what Congressman Jordan thinks, I would hate for him to catch cold.


  1. Perhaps he can afford one from Goodwill?

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