Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sherlock goes to Geneva

Oh, oh. Suitcases. That means my father is leaving.

Oops. My mother just took out her suitcase with her teddy bear motif.

That means they are both going. I wonder who will come this time to take care of me. Some of my sitters in the past have been great the way they walk me and cuddle me.

Oh, oh.

They are packing my bed and toys. I hear the word Geneva. That will means HOURS and HOURS in the car.

Okay, we've been on the road a couple of hours. Time to throw up.

I was right. We are spending HOURS and HOURS in the car. Yes, we stop so we can all pee. They go in those little houses, but I get to water tall grass, trees, bushes around what they call the rest stop.

Oh, the stop at the village where we had lunch was pretty nice. Especially when my father slipped me pieces of veal from his tagine.

We got off the highway and my humans were driving down this bumpy road. They opened the door and let me out.


I see the ruin of the château where I used to play. I was over the bridge and up the hill and into the center of the ruins. There were kids there too. I am so happy to be running here again.

Ooops back in the car. I am so sick of this car.

Some 11 hours after we left this morning, we pulled into a driveway that I remember. And I remember the garden. I did a few zoomies, but why aren't they going inside????

We left again. Seems something was wrong with the remote that opens the doors and my humans had to meet someone to work it out. Anyway we finally got inside. The flat looks new. They said they like it a lot better than before the flood. I don't know what a flood is, but if they are happy, I'm happy.

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