Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ten examples of cozy

Cozy is a bouquet of flower, even more so if it is near a window where I can see the rain.

Cozy is wearing sweats or loose jeans and a sweatshirt.

Cozy is sharing a carton of ice cream with two spoons as my husband and I sit side-by-side watching  Netflix, TV or a DVD.

Cozy is having a cup of tea brought to me in bed when I don't have to rush anywhere.

Cozy is rain on the skylight.

Cozy is being at home and knowing there's no place on the planet I'd rather be.

Cozy is having my bed pre-warmed on a cold winter night.

Cozy is having good smells coming from the kitchen.

Cozy is curling up with a good book.

Cozy is Sherlock next to me.

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