Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Dog Friendly

Where's Sherlock?

We hear that a lot when Rick and I walk down the street in Argelès without him from friends, other dog owners, merchants and restaurant owners.

We didn't expect to hear it today when I was at my doctors. Last week I had had an ectoscopy. Rick had Sherlock with him when he popped his head to ask when I would be through. The receptionist said the dog could come in.

The doctor also invited Sherlock into his office as we discussed my condition, which is not serious, just annoying.

Today when I went back, the receptionist's first words weren't "Bonjour Madame Nelson" but "Ou est Sherlock?" When the doctor came out to take me into his office, before he asked how I was doing, he asked, "Where is Sherlock?"

Living in Europe I am used to places including restaurants and hotels being dog friendly. When we stayed at a hotel in Davos with Sherlock in August, the hotel had dishes, a dog bed and pillow and a packet of dog treats for Sherlock. He was greeted by staff before we were as we walked by reception.

Shopping at Ikea, the other day, we left Sherlock at home. Too bad, there were several other pups he could have made friends with.

I am prejudice about my pup, a melange of Yorkie, Jack Russell, Mini Pinscher and maybe Griffon. For a while he had a walking group, women who stopped for him when they were exploring the woods and mountains near us. Another friend on an email, closed with "Kiss Sherlock for me."

We call him Little Boy, Muttsaball, Little Man -- We are glad he has friends. We are also thrilled that we live where dogs are so welcomed.



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