Sunday, November 24, 2019


Thanksgiving -- Take 1

Switzerland does not celebrate Thanksgiving. There is no reason they should. However, many American expats or repats like myself, find ways to do it.

I admit the only time I am homesick for the US is Thanksgiving. There are memories over the decades of the Reading/Stoneham High football games, great meals at my dad's and stepmom's followed by my stepmom's dad going upstairs for his penny jar and urging people to get a poker games going along with the pumpkin pie. Then there were the years at my housemate's aunt in Connecticut starting off with sweet and sour meatballs.The words "over the river and through the woods..." echoed in my head on the drives down.

One year in Switzerland, I was interviewed on the radio to explain Thanksgiving to listeners from other countries. When I confessed to one of my staff how I felt homesick, she had her mother make an Armenian version of pumpkin pie

Then there were the dinners at the used bookstore and cafe, The Bookworm or at Marro.

A few years, my housemate and I prepared the meal ourselves in Geneva or Argelès.

Another year, friends from the States came and we produced a traditional dinner for our Swiss friends. They were amazed that the meat was moist.

This Saturday night our landlords invited a number of friends, many dual citizens or married to American ex-pats. They supplied the turkey and beverages. All day, we smelled the second turkey cooking in our oven. 

The rest of the meal was a Canadian supper as pot luck is called here, but the traditional dishes and deserts were all present along with great conversation.

Thursday, the real Thanksgiving Day, we will be back at my former housemate's for Thanksgiving Take 2. The attendees will be family members, family of choice and those that have lived in this welcoming house. We are keeping it simple because the real joy of Thanksgiving is being with people that are special.

And oh yes, I need to find out if Reading or Stoneham won.

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