Monday, November 25, 2019

Maybe Marianne?

Having turned my latest novel over to my husband and not being able to do a final draft until he critiques at it, technically I have no writing project.

My characters, Anne-Marie, Brenda, Maura, Ashley and Sally all have packed their bags and left my mind. I miss them.

I am the embodiment of a person at sixes and sevens without a full writing project.

I keep trying to think of the next book.

There are some novels, I started in the past and stopped. I could go back and restart any one of them. Then there was the historical "biography" of Elizabeth I and Robert Dudley's daughter that I researched almost two decades ago. It doesn't motivate me.

When I write a book, I get so involved with my characters that they become real to me. If I wake at night, they talk to me, telling me, what I should or shouldn't write about them the next day.

Last night after getting up for the potty, a woman appeared. Her name could be Marianne and she is in her fifties of sixties. She is a crusader, she said. I hope she comes back to me tonight and tells me a bit more about her life. 

Next week, Rick is at a conference. Maybe this will be time to sit down with Marianne and see what we can do together.

1 comment:

  1. Daughter of Leicester and Elizabeth? Interesting. I must have been around eleven when I read My Enemy the Queen by Victoria Holt. If Elizabeth's life weren't so public from the moment she got up until the moment she went to bed (with her dames in the antechamber) I wouldn't have put it past her to have had a child with Dudley.
