Monday, November 18, 2019


Our flat flooded in the spring. It took a few months before we could get back in. As part of the cleanup our landlord had to move all our things to a dry space.

We finally got back in and started sorting our stuff. I found my two wigs from when I was going through chemo. There was a short and long one. I was always tempted to start an event with the short one and sometime during the evening change to the long. The idea hair could grow that fast appealed to me.

For years I wanted to have white hair, but my hatred of roots showing, stopped me. Thus a plus of the cancer was that my natural hair color improved.

I suppose I could wear them, but I am so happy with my white hair. In Switzerland cancer patients undergoing chemo, have their wigs paid for by insurance.

I should do some research and send the wigs to a woman who can't pay for one and isn't able to pay for one. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

As for the photo, Sherlock may think that the wigs are a potential toy.

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