Saturday, December 28, 2019


My husband and I are professional communicators. We've been journalists, marketers, teachers of communication, fiction writers and editors. We blog regularly. We are fully committed wordsmiths.

Saying that, it is amazing how often we miscommunicate. In fact it happened seconds ago as I was writing this. 

In asking what our greatest miscommunication today was he replied,"50 pounds." He was looking how to get some stuff back to Europe from our Christmas holiday in Boston or at least that is what I thought he was doing.

Today's biggest miss went like this. We were on our way to visit my niece and grand nephews in Merrimack NH.

Rick: If you see where you want to eat, just say so.

Me: Longhorns (As we pass Longhorns. Yesterday I selected a fish restaurant and he think that poison and French for fish is poisson is a warning. I name several other restaurants and he drives past them all.)

Rick: Where do you want to eat?

Me: I keep naming restaurants to eat at.

Rick: Is that what you're doing?

Me: YES!!!!! (Note: We went to Longhorns and it had some of the best bread and baby BBQ ribs I've had in an age.)

However, later that day I started a sentence, "Have you ever..." when a license plate caught my eye. "Zebra," I read, He didn't understand, not should he have. 

It is a good thing we can laugh at ourselves.

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