Tuesday, December 24, 2019

M*A*S*H Memories

The final episode of M*A*S*H was being shown. My housemates and I had decorated the library where the TV was like the set of the program

Before it started, my artist Bill Venter, rang the doorbell. Rather than have him drive to Maynard which would take about two hours out of his day, I had him drop off any projects we were working on at my house. It was on his way home from his studio saving him time. As he often did, he stayed for a little while this time to watch the show and share in our goodies.

A few weeks later he gave me a poster of the cast with a special matting and frame. I kept it for years.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned it to my husband. I wasn't sure what had happened to it in my many moves.

We came to Boston for the holidays staying with my daughter. 

Unlike other trips, I would no longer be able to meet up with Billl. He passed away last month, a stomach-wrenching loss.

I looked at my daughter's wall. There was the framed poster. 

Another memory of happy times washed over me. Good memories never come with gift wrapping. They just are.

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