Saturday, January 11, 2020


The world is awash in plastic and although one person cutting back won't erase the problem, it is a start.

It isn't easy. We switched the to bar shampoo, powdered laundry soap in paper boxes, juice in glass containers.

Food can be a little harder. For example, Rick bought great tasting applesauce with raspberries. It came in little plastic containers. Next time, a jar of applesauce and a paper box of strawberries will do as well. Or even I can make my own applesauce easily.

The same with the guacamole or hummus that I love. They come in plastic. I can make both myself so I won't have to forgo the pleasure.

Juices do come in glass or paper.

Soft drinks can be bought in cans which are recyclable.

Desserts like tiramisu and chocolate mousse will have to wait for a restaurant, which is usually better anyway. 

Rick does most of our food shopping. We do have a different style. I go in with a list of three things and probably come out with four. He will have the same list and come out with ten items. I have thought of saying I will take over the shopping to make sure we don't buy stuff in plastic containers, but it is a chore I dislike and I appreciate him doing it. We've tried shopping together, but it doesn't help our marriage. I want to check ingredients, I keep snacks to a minimum if at all.

We used our metal water bottles instead of buying the plastic. When we travel from Argelès to Geneva, since french water is drinkable, we don't have to buy bottled water in plastic. If we break down and buy one we can use it for Sherlock's cow toy that is stuffed with a plastic bottle.

So much of what we buy is wrapped in plastic.

Switzerland is banning single use plastic bags. We already have our own shopping bags. It used to be I had one and I'd like to get back to three at the most...groceries, laundry, perhaps carrying something on a trip. But these bags last forever.

We try and use rags in place of sponges, but sometimes a sponge works best.

I doubt if we will ever have a plastic-free house, but we will try better.

1 comment:

  1. It’s hard isn’t it? We do our best too, but sometimes it’s really difficult to avoid it.
