Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Is it possible to trust one's society and even those close to us?

RT ran a documentary on bad things in name brand dog food killing pets.

A major part in a Boeing airplane is unsafe because of training/costs issues and we learned that the company has fiddled with FAA on its approval and putting profits before people. Not only that the CEO walks away with $62 million instead of an orange jump suit.

What is the lie of the day on the killing of the Iranian general?

Lie about weapons of mass destruction sent thousands to their deaths with the ramifications continuing.

The Vietnam war was based on lies.

Think tanks spew out misinformation to manipulate people some for profit, some for power. 

All around me nothing seems to be what it says it says it is. It goes far beyond "fake news." Because I watch news from many countries, I sometimes wonder if they are really reporting the same story the slant and the words used are so different.

I buy a Nikon camera. I loved it for the ten days it worked. Then when the shutters no longer work, I'm told the guaranty doesn't cover it. I trusted that the camera would work longer than a week.

We buy two laptops to be held until we come from them in January. They sell them, although we get our money back on that one.

When I taught Business Communication at Webster in Geneva, I gave a lecture on ethics. Two student, both Russian, argued with me, that if one was honest all the time, they would never get ahead. Other students from different nationalities were nodding their heads in agreement.

My husband and I have a "no pussyfooting rule." There is that moment of dread when I have to say or hear, "you know that no pussyfooting rule."

I was raised to the tell the truth. If I'd snuck into a movie for a lower price because I'd lied about my age, I'd have been punished. The rule to be honest is both a curse and a blessing. A blessing because I can sleep at night, a curse because it often causes other problems.

I don't like living in a untrustworthy world, where when I buy a product I am a surprised if it does what it should. I realize how much the society around me tries to manipulate me.

It takes a lot of energy to focus on the good people in my life that don't lie and cheat and when some company or politician acts with integrity and truthfulness.

I try.

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