Saturday, February 08, 2020

Furry Friends

We have a debate whether our pup, Sherlock is pampered or spoiled.

When we are in France, he has friends that come by to take him for walks. Some have other dogs that are his buddies. But in Geneva, that doesn't happen.

We don't like leaving him alone for long periods of time. In Europe dogs can go in many places that they can't in the U.S. but even with that there are times he does have to stay.

We were delighted to find a service called Furry Friends. This is no ordinary dog walking service. Chris, the charming owner, takes whatever number of dogs for long walks. Lately they've been going up in the Jura to play in the snow.

Strangely, although Sherlock hates water, he adore snow. Yesterday, he had a wonderful time along with two other pups. We were able to accomplish everything we wanted to do as well. He wa delighted to see us when we picked him up.

Pampered or decide.

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