Sunday, February 09, 2020


I think it is safe to write about this person. She was a friend of my mother's in the early 50s and I am sure shes has left the world. I have changed her name anyway.

To my nine year old eyes she was beautiful AND glamorous. Her blond hair was worn in an I-Love-Lucy style. I suspected she slept in perfect makeup and clothing. Probably her stocking seams stayed straight.

Along with her husband and four-year old son, she belonged to the same country club as my parents. We kids were allowed to go to the dress rehearsal of the club talent show. Molly sang a solo and it was mesmerizing.

I never visited her home, but I bet it too was spotless. Supporting my theory, was her son Tommy. His wardrobe would have done Little Lord Fauntleroy proud. No dirt was ever allowed on that kid. When other kids were running and playing, he sat quietly in a chair looking at books, doing puzzles and other quiet activity. His politeness was legendary.

Molly always referred to him as "Little Tommy" provoking another of my mother's friends to say, "I would like to be there the first time little Tommy says 'Shit!'." Little Tommy would be in his 70s now. I wonder what became of him.

The country club was aghast when Molly's husband killed himself.

My writer self believes there is possibly a novel with them as basic characters. If not a novel, a novella or long, short story.

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