Thursday, March 26, 2020

If I were young

If I were younger I would do a Covid-19 (Corona Virus) book on how different nations handled the crisis.

Here's how I would organize it.

Part I

How different countries handled the crisis and the results.
  • China
  • Italy
  • France
  • Spain
  • UK
  • Germany
  • US
  • Canada
It would be necessary to look at where the countries started from. For example those countries with an excellent health system and safety net have had better results than those that do not.

Those that attacked the problems early have a different result than those that ignored it.

What the major politicians said and did.

Part II

How people reacted to it.
  • Those that believed
  • Those that didn't believe
  • Those that didn't care about others
  • Those that went out of the way to help others
  • What did they do in lockdown
  • Did it change the way they lived their lives afterward

Part III 

Interviews with medical experts, doctors and nurses on the front lines. I would also try and interview those who used the virus to gouge others.

Part IV

The economic impact on individuals at different social and salary levels.
  • The leaders who put the economy before the people
  • The people who their people before the economy
Part V
  • Social media and its part
  • Humor, cartoons, jokes, etc.

I won't write it. I did one social commentary book, Coat Hangers and Knitting Needles about abortion before Roe v. Wade and it took a year out of my life, often leaving me drained, sometimes crying. It was almost another year before I could get back to my fiction writing.

If I were in my 40s or 50s, I would have the time. In my 70s, I don't. I am sure there is another writer out there who will.

In it's place I am doing blogs. One of my neighbors and one of my daughter's classmates are also blogging the lockdowns, two in France, one in Spain.  We've talked about doing an anthology when this is over.

It will have to be enough.

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