Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Love in the Time of Corona -- 10

Yesterday, when Rick took Sherlock for a walk, a woman called to him from her balcony. She couldn't go out and Elisabeth, the green grocer had not delivered her oranges. Could he help?

Of course he could.

At Elisabeth's, the two clerks didn't know anything about oranges. Rick bought them to take to the woman.

Today, we decided to pick up Sherlock's best friend Paddy from his owner Rita. Along with our required permission forms which were dated and timed, we headed for allotments, which both dogs adore. They did zoomies, sniffed messages from other pooches, and had a wagging tail good time.

Rick took the dogs home, I went to the butcher's. We still can buy our meals daily from the grocer, baker and green grocer. 

There was a line and at the very end a dog waited.  I was rude and cut in line in front of the dog. When it was my turn I bought kefta and two veal sausages. The young Muslim couple who own this butcher, one of four in the village, are able to stay open half a day. They are a lovely couple with three well-behaved children. 

Back home, Sherlock decided the best way to spend the rest of the day was on my lap.
However, I have other plans. I am half way through catching up on my 

The New Yorkers, have a new mystery to read, want to work on my Wikipedia page and a short story to tweak.

I could iron or do paperwork too, but there's always tomorrow. Afterall, we aren't planning on going anywhere or seeing anyone. 

We are only in week could go on another week, but more likely it will be six plus. On verra as they say.

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