Sunday, March 15, 2020

Love in the time of Corona -- 1

With apologies to Isabelle Allende

I've visited Gruyere at least 40 times, taking guests from other countries. I could show them the mountains combined with a chateau, mountains and medieval houses converted into restaurants and shops selling cheese, chocolate, clocks and other typical souvenirs .

One person, whom I'd never shown, was my husband. Although it is possible to do it as a day, we decided to spend a night and booked into the Hotel De La Fleur de Lyse.

The building went back to at least the 17th century.

Normally Gruyere is bustling with tourists. We arrived later in the day and the chickens at the entrance out numbered the people.

When we registered at the hotel, we learned we were the only guests. The restaurant was empty.

What a charming young woman behind the desk that we ended up with having a long chat. We shared talks of loves of animals as well pats given Sherlock. We talked about the changes in business and the fear they may have to shut down until the crisis is over. It is a family run holiday that is slowly being taken over the younger generation.

Switzerland is the process of increasing pandemic closings. The latest is that restaurants and bars are limited to 50 people including staff. Schools, universities, trips, etc. were already closed.

The next day, a few people were mulling around I would say less than 10% of the people I'd seen on any of my other visits.

Would visit when there was no pandemic? Probably. We still are continuing with our carpe diem philosophy despite the situation.

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