Saturday, March 14, 2020


I can't not read. Sometimes I read more than one book a a time. So far this year I've read 22 books covering 11,316 pages.

My reading is eclectic. At the moment I'm jumping between:
  • Unbound by Julie Everett, a mystery involving publishing
  • The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England reflecting my universities studies and my love of history. This is great because it goes into the lives and sights of ordinary people. Ian Mortimer
  • The Great Reversal: How America Gave up on Free Markets Although it is written by a Francophone economist, the writing is easy to understand with lots of charts to bring the points home.
Some of the reason I read so much this year was we had two weeks without internet or television. Instead of three or four days for some book it could be one or two.

When we return to Argelès next week my reading will slow down. I will have almost three months of New Yorkers to catch up on. 

Who knows what will be closed thanks to Coronavirus so staying at home with a book?  

A good solution.

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