Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Love in the Time of Corona -- 3

They were closing the German borders. We heard they were about to close the French and Swiss borders and we wanted to leave our comfortable home in Geneva for our second home in Argelès-sur-mer to sit out the quarantine.

We'd seen the news stories of the long lines at the French border.

However, near our house was an unguarded border and we slipped across with our dog and loaded car. Yes there was some toilet paper in the car.

If the beauty of the mountains was the same, the rest stops were not.

France has wonderful autoroutes with restaurants, stores, exercise fields and more. They are good for a short or long break.

They were still there, but little was open.

In one place, the store's barrier was half way down. A group was gathered outside. One clerk took orders, filled them, brought them out to the customer, took his money and returned his change. My thoughts, the people would have had more space within the store.

Only recently has France, the land of gourmet cooking, developed good sandwiches. Salads, meats, cheeses and other combinations in crusty French bread abound -- or they did until the virus struck. All the sandwich shops were closed.

The stores still had sandwiches, factory made, dry and uninteresting, but a bad sandwich in the hand is worth two good ones in the backpack.

Traffic was on the slight side, but the real difference was Perpignan at rush hour--only without the rush.

Driving into the village for the first time ever, the cinema had no posters.

Tomorrow, we will do reconnaissance to see what is or isn't open.

It will be an interesting few weeks in isolation. It is a good thing that Rick and I like each other and each other's company as well as love each other.

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