Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Love in the time of Corona -- 4

With apologies to Isabelle Allende

Our first day "home" in our little village of Argelès-sur-mer. I make pancakes for our first breakfast. Normally, we have the ritual of going to LaNoisette for our first breakfast back, except LaNoisette is closed for the duration of the virus by order of the French president as are all cafés, bars and restaurants.

We then go on reconnaissance of the village. The boulangeries are open and we buy bread for the fondue we are planning for lunch. It makes a good cultural transition from our Swiss home.

Elisabeth's is open, but it is different. No one is allowed inside. No one can touch anything.

She and her charming young assistant Neil, take customers one by one and fill their orders. They're wearing masks, the kind where they look like they could go through a gas attack. However, there is no shortage.

We pass Steve walking one of his dogs. He says his wife, Barbara, is better. She has been in ill health for a while and between that and qualifying as a wrinkly like us, is in the danger zone.

Robin and Yannick wave to us as they rush by.

The only flesh-to-flesh touching is Sherlock and a Jack Russell, nose-to-nose, nose-to-privates.

In early evening, I take Sherlock for a long walk. We are the only ones on the street along with one girl and two policemen. They ask to see the form we must carry that explains why we are out: Here are some of the excuses such as...
  • Medical
  • Work
  • Single Exercise
  • Helping 
  • Dog
Signs on shop doors explain why they are closed as if people didn't know. 

I am grateful that if we have to be in lockdown, it is with the man I love and more importantly -- like!

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