Friday, March 20, 2020

Love in the time of Corona -- 5

With apologies to Isabelle Allende

Day 2

Because people line up for the few stores that are open, we were there before nine. If there were 20 people in the store including those stocking shelves that were almost full (I didn't check for toilet paper). When I arrived at the check-out, I realized, I'd left my money at home.

Rick had walked the dog down with us. I explained to the cashier twice. My accent confused her the first time. She took my rainbow basket and I went in search of my husband. He and the dog disappeared.

I rushed home, picked up my purse and back.

Today, we ran into a few people we knew besides merchants: Sammie, Sylvie with Westie Muffin, Artist Marco and "the boys" Jonathan and Matt. "The boys" who own L'Hostalet hotel were in the kitchen painting. Chef Thibault of Bartavelle is also using the lockdown time to paint the restaurant kitchen. We chat at a distance.

The Mamie and others forewent the cheek kisses, but we wave the forms we must carry saying why we are out of the street.

Day 3

"Have you got your form?" I ask Rick as he is about to take Sherlock out for his morning walk.
 He calls it, "Papiers s'il vous plaĆ®t."  It is the form with boxes checked for why we are out of houses. Fortunately dog walking is one of them. We've offered Sherlock, free of charge for people who want to get out and walk.

I am warm in bed and listen to the 7 O'clock church bells ring and ring and ring.

We are worried about the small merchants. Although Pauline isn't open she can take orders so we order six chocolate muffins and pick them up on the way back.

We surrender two to Chez Elisabeth, our green grocer who is stressed with only allowing one person in the stand at a time and making sure no one touches anything.

Our neighbors, Yannick and Robin stop by. They are allowed out "to visit the elderly." Rick and I qualify. Keeping our distance we chat on the street in front of the house. She takes my photo.

At night we watch East of Eden and feel secure that we have many DVDs that I ALMOST got rid of.

Checking email, I learn two elderly neighbors in Geneva are critical. A young couple that means a lot to me both have it.

Corona is getting personal.

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