Saturday, March 21, 2020

Love in the time of Corona -- 6

With apologies to Isabelle Allende  

Three other Corona blogs 

Day 4

Fortunately the vet is open and like everything in our village is in walking distance. Sherlock has been suffering from diarrhea and an itchy foot. He is very happy to walk through the almost deserted village until he recognizes our destination. 

Rick hands me a plastic glove. The vet asks about it. "He's paranoid," I tell him. He questions why only one. I don't have a good answer, but he wouldn't have heard the response because of a sneezing fit.

The vet sneezes several times, but Rick is quick to point out that sneezing isn't a symptom.

We leave 20 minutes later with a basket of medicine. 

I rummage through the fridge/frigo for leftovers. We still have fresh fruit and veggies from Elisabeth's. I use couscous as a base and add leftover meat, carrots and shallots. 

When Rick takes Sherlock for a late afternoon walk, he runs into several friends, each with their form showing their destinations. I kinda wish I'd gone, but I'd stayed back to write. Of course they spoke at a distance.

At night we cuddle up (the three of us) to watch Tommy's Honour. Rick and I have different tastes in movies. He encouraged me once to watch a James Bond film where a chase scene went on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on including absolutely impossible feats. B O R I N G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

Those are the extremes. 
I don't expect him, however to watch nincompoopy chick flicks.  

There are many types of films that we both like: bio ops, historical films (I find it hard to watch war films unless there's good characterization). Neither of us are crazy about science fiction, but he did enjoy the Star Wars film. With a grandson he watched a lot of kid films that I could escape. Saying that, I fell in love with Shrek.

He was almost apologetic asking me to watch a golf movie about the founding of Scottish Golf. He had no reason to be. It was a really good story based on real life golf heroes.

I was especially happy to watch Rick as he saw the courses he had played. "The race track is within the golf course," he said when the actors were playing Musselburgh. Two seconds later the film had horses run by the golfers. It was a movie that evoked memories.

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