Thursday, March 12, 2020


What does the Coronavirus have to do with the Boston Blizzard of 1978?

Being stuck at home not out of choice.

During the blizzard for several days after even getting out a front door could be a challenge. 

For those in quarantine, voluntary or otherwise, their household walls are their limits.

Whether it can be considered a gift or a curse depends on the person.

For the blizzard, once my daughter and two housemates were safe, we had enough food and electricity was guaranteed, it was a vacation.

We played cards, read, watched television or movies on laser disc, talked, cooked etc. Because we were renovating the house, we worked on stripping paint.

We knew that we would receive our salaries, so there were no money worries.

When snow wasn't stopping everything, our lives were extra busy between work, parenting, studying toward degrees, fixing the house, etc. Sometimes we barely had time to think.

The break from ordinary life was a gift.

I am sure some of those in quarantine no matter what country are experiencing the same thing. They have been forced to put their lives on hold. 

For those lucky enough to know they will get a paycheck and their forced stoppage of ordinary life won't bring financial ruin, there can be a moment of calm. Many won't know what to do with the calm.

For people quarantined for having been exposed, there is the worry of getting sick and/or who you might have made sick.

Unlike, the blizzard at least there's the internet. 

For people who find it almost impossible to slow down, being quarantined will be a curse. For those who can, a gift. 

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