Thursday, May 21, 2020

Abortion fakery

I was consumed by the topic of abortion prior to Roe v. Wade in the year it took me to write Coat Hangers and Knitting Needles. My goal was not to make money but to send it to every Pro-Life leader and legislator I came across. I have done that thanks to the help of my daughter.

The stories of women trapped in unwanted pregnancies and what they were willing to do to end them were horrific going back to ancient Egypt when women used crocodile dung in their vaginas. I lost sleep I was so moved by their stories.

 The stories weren't just about the dead women, but their families: children raised without a mother, sisters lost, parents who outlived their daughters. 

I can say I don't like abortion, but I am a realist that knows a woman who wants one will find a way to get one. A rich woman can go wherever she needs for a safe one: a poor woman will resort to whatever she can either to back alleys or dangerous mechanical or drug means.

I've watched in horror as politicians, mainly men, some of whom were later revealed to have paid for the abortions of their mistresses (not all) deal with the wombs of women where they have no business.

Yes, women are in the Pro-Life movement, but in sending out the books, the majority were sent to men.

Now it has been revealed that Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade has flipped her stance again. She was not a good poster child for the cause, but I felt sorry for her. Her life was a series of disasters. Even when she flipped and became a spokesperson for Pro-Life I felt sorry for her. She seemed only to be wanted, an undercurrent in so many of the interviews I watched.

Now, in a deathbed confession she admitted that she was paid to change her position to the Pro-Life stance.  There is a new documentary where she says, “I was the big fish ... I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they’d put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say. It was all an act. I did it well, too. I am a good actress. Of course, I’m not acting now.”

Two of the religious leaders involved in promoting McCorvey spoke in the documentary. One had regrets, the other did not. 

Rev Flip Benham said, “She chose to be used ... That’s called work. That’s what you’re paid to be doing!” 

Rev Rob Schenck said, “For Christians like me, there is no more important or authoritative voice than Jesus ... What does it profit in the end if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul?’ When you do what we did to Norma, you lose your soul.”

I sent both Benham and Schenck my book. They did not respond, nor did I expect them to. 

Their cause is an attack on my gender and seems more like a power game.

To all Pro-Lifers, I have a message -- Leave women alone. Take your energies and put them to make it possible for more women to keep their babies if they are undecided for economic reasons. They need affordable day care, food, medical coverage as a start. They need to be able to get birth control at places like Planned Parenthood so a second unwanted pregnancy won't happen. And if it does, give them the alternative of a safe abortion.

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