Saturday, May 23, 2020

Beauty, Lake Geneva

Rick takes Sherlock out early mornings while I snuggle in bed. When he showed me this photo taken this morning during their walk, I began to think he got the better deal.

We are less than a two-minute walk from the lake--longer while Sherlock stops to sniff and pee. No matter what season, there is a gasp factor at the beauty.

Three days ago the Bise created white caps that looked like schools of oversized dolphins swimming toward the city. Today, the water looks flat enough to walk on.

Two of my stupider moments when I moved here was not to realize that the lake had many moods and that it would produce great eating fish.

In winter it can be angry enough to throw water across the streets running along side a sharp contrast to a summer's day when the water is so clear the indentation of each rock can be seen under the surface. I had a friend once that swore the lake had to be artificial it was so clear.

The lake has a surface area of 580km/224 sq.miles with an average depth of 154.4meters/507 feet. The maximum depth is 310meters/1,020 feet. A drop of water crossing from the East- Montreux to the West -Geneva can take 11 years, I've been told.

Prehistoric dwellings have been found underwater not far from shore and there are ships that have sunk to the bottom.

The "facts" about the lake can arouse my interest, but it is the sheer beauty that gives me ahhhhhh moments almost every time I look. I admit my eyes have become spoiled by its beauty.

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